My Services
Scroll down to to see the different ways you can work with me, Dr. Erica Mattia, Quantum Biology Practitioner, to increase your energy, focus better, and overall find wellness both physically, mentally and spiritually.
First Quantum Health Appointment
$333. This initial 90 minute appointment includes a very comprehensive intake form. My goal is to get to know you, understand your struggles, what you’ve tried already, the environment you are in, and what your commitment is to change.
This is a great solution for someone who is restricted in ability to do subsequent visits, and is very motivated to DIY solutions with the info given. I always recommended to do 1-2 subsequent visits in the next few weeks. Includes a comprehensive follow-up email reviewing what we went over and any links needed for the recommendations.
Quantum Vitality Starter Mentorship
$999. Includes your initial visit, and 5 subsequent visits, 1 HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis), 1 week of on demand digital support via Voxer, to ask any questions you have, share any wins, or any struggles with Dr. Erica. This is the ultimate way to start your quantum health journey with the most support.
Quantum Wellness Mastery Program
$1999. Looking for long-term support? This program includes 11 monthly 60 minute visits, plus 3 more HTMAs. This is for anyone who has done the Quantum Wellness Vitality Starter Plan or the First Quantum Health Appointment, and would like to improve their health over an annual basis. This is great for those in search of accountability and watching how the changes affect their hair minerals and toxins levels. Blood work will be recommended through ND or MD to look through and correlate these.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) & Online Review
$199. Using Analytical Research Labs in the USA, you will will be sent your test kit which you can send directly to the lab. We will have a 30-minute Zoom chat about the results once they have been received. This is great for anyone wanting to know their metabolic health status, adrenal health, thyroid health, and levels that offer more information than bloodwork can. Looking for toxic metals? This will show if you are in a state of fight or flight and how chronic that is. Assessment will offer potential solutions including supplements and many quantum strategies
Quantum Guidance “On Demand”
$239. Get top access to Dr. Erica with this on demand, digital voice program offered Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This will be voice messaging back and forth via Voxer where you can discuss any questions, comments, concerns, wins, success, challenges, etc. as you start implementing your quantum practices. This is very helpful when first getting started, and goes well with the Quantum Wellness Vitality Starter Plan, but also helpful after your First Quantum Health Appointment.
Quantum Collective Coaching
$297 This group coaching program will visit the many very important quantum strategies that have helped me and so many others. (ex topics such as- light, water, mitochondria, circadian rhythm, food, nervous system). This is a six week program, with a two hour lesson and Q&A each week. It is very beneficial to have a community, accountability, and ability to learn from others’ questions. Lots of resources will be provided to get you the best results!