I’m Dr. Erica Mattia. When you’re looking for deeper answers and simpler solutions, I can help.​
I’m the biggest fan following my intuition and encouraging my clients to do the same. I have a deep desire to go one step further, to find the real reason you’re not feeling as good as you could- and Quantum Biology has been the answer.

Sometimes, blood work doesn’t tell us what we need to know.
I know what you’re going through, because I’ve been through it myself. As a recovering vegetarian, who struggled with exhaustion and infertility, I thought I was crazy.
On paper, my doctors said I was healthy- but I felt completely burnt out. I’ve tried it all, asked all the questions, and after years of trying to heal myself, I found a simpler way that works. And it’s based in Quantum Biology.
Allow me to explain.

Dr. Erica Mattia
Honours Bachelor of science (HBSc) from McMaster university with a major in biology and a minor in psychology
Certified Quantum Biology Practitioner with Applied Institute of Quantum Biology
Doctor of Chiropractic, Neurofunctional Acupuncture Provider, Graston Certified
Veda Austin’s water freezing technique
​Level 1 sound healing
Mediumship Level 1 with Laurie Oaks
I left an education worth $80k, and a great career based on an intuitive feeling.
Let me paint you a picture of young Dr. Erica.
From the tender age of 12, I embraced vegetarianism, inspired by a book advocating for a meat-free diet to prevent disease and allow you to live your best life! You see, from a young age, I was already fascinated with health, wellness and getting answers to my questions. My intentions were pure, but my information was flawed. I believed that vegetarian food equaled good food, missing out on essential nutrients along the way- Who hasn’t fallen for something like this before?
My desire to learn more had me headed to university where I plunged into science, graduating as a chiropractic doctor. I consider myself a true scientist- always testing, experimenting and searching for answers as to how things work, why they work, even though science can't always answer everything, I was still able to ground myself in science-based work, until someone said something life changing.
"A Lot of your success is based
on your energy."
When I started my Chiropractic practice, I was introduced to some business associates, one of which mentioned, “a lot of your success is based on your energy.” This statement opened my mind. What did they mean? My energy? Cue late nights googling “universal intelligence." I delved deeply into spirituality, questioning everything, uprooting some of the old Catholic beliefs I abandoned as a teenager, leaving me ungrounded, lost, and confused. What allowed me to find my way back? The answers came to me in the tiniest forms.
I found Quantum biology. As a scientist- I loved this, because it is a true blend of the scientific and the spiritual. We are only energy. But what is that energy, and what interacts with it? My mind was eating it all up, writing down every way Quantum Biology could in any way shap eor form, impact your health- and I did this with a purely selfish reason.

On a more personal note, at this point in my life, my husband and I were doing everything we could to have baby with no success. We sought help at a clinic in Burlington. I took the vacation in Mexico, to “relax” because everyone gets pregnant on vacation.
I experienced six loses. And I was adamant about finding answers, improving my health, and becoming a mother. Eventually, our dreams came true- but after becoming a mother, things took a turn. My post-partum journey was full of anxiety and depression.
Quantum biology offered me new ways to improve my health. To my surprise, the most significant changes in my life weren’t hard; they were simple, though not always easy. For instance, getting up at 5:45 am to watch the sunrise to reset my circadian rhythm.
My health journey took me down countless rabbit holes, but I realized the fundamentals of health aren’t always what we’re taught. Quantum biology takes traditional biology a step further, examining elements like protons, neutrons, and electrons. But what affects these particles? Light, water, and magnetism are the key factors.
And the good news? I feel better.
Small actions I never thought
would work actually did.

Disheartened by my chiropractic practice, I decided to take the leap and start teaching my patients about what has truly changed my life.
Why not go deeper to find the root cause of how you feel? My practice blends the best of science and spirituality, helping you achieve balance and wellness by addressing the fundamental aspects of your being.
Join me on this journey to explore the quantum world within you and transform your health from the ground up.
Now that I've shared my story with you, I'd love to hear yours.